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Louise Coughlin

Lockdown take 3

One month today those dreaded words 'England is going into lockdown, stay at home do not go out unless it is essential'. It was with a heavy heart that I made contact with all my clients to ask who wanted to come online for therapy and who wanted to wait until we could resume face to face contact. I am thinking about those who decided to hold off, those who for various reasons could not move online. I know from the first lockdown that many people did suffer with their mental wellbeing when contact with the outside world was limited. In March I posted some information sheets to help people using some of the approaches I use in the therapy room to help them manage this difficult time. I'm posting some of these again now and also a new one from the 'psychologymum'. Hopefully these will help you look at yourself more favourably, be kind to yourself you are coping with a lot.

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