Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy is not easy. I have some clients who are struggling at the moment. Trauma is like a cut that was never cleaned out. A cut where a plaster was stuck over the top and the wound got infected. This infection can cause lots of issues, whether it is social isolation, substance abuse, relationship difficulties, violence or something else, this is the trauma living through the individual. In EMDR we have ripped that plaster off, squirted the wound with TCP and as a result the wound is painful. This pain will not last forever, but might last for a while. Without going through that pain the wound cannot heal. It is difficult when I know a client is finding processing trauma hard. The best I can do from a distance in between sessions is to encourage them to continue attending sessions, to use their safe place or other resources to manage the sting (Poppy and Lavender are among many resource figures that people have created).
Today I received an e-mail from someone who has been where they have been. Where they ripped off that plaster and exposed the wounds that had slowly been infecting many parts of their life. They emailed to tell me how well they were doing; they had found the perfect job, they had rekindled relationships and closed the door on the chapter of their life that was trauma.
Everyone has different stages of recovery, some easier than others. I have been there myself I know how hard it can be to face those traumas and to re-evaluate who you are. I also know how rewarding it can be to come out the other side.
So to that person who sent me the e-mail, thank you for sharing with me how far you have come. I am humbled to have been a part of your journey. To those who are struggling, you have shown strength to get this far, you have seen how different traumas can be processed and how this can change how you feel.
Recovery is never a guarantee but hopefully you can get where you want to be, however long that takes. I want to receive that e-mail from you saying how good life is. I want to share that joy with you.. but in the mean time I am with you....and so are Poppy and Lavender